by Maj David J. Albanese, CAP
New York Wing

In April 1994, Buffalo Squadron #1, New York Wing, developed a Spanish language (Puerto Rican dialect) recruiting leaflet. This one-sided, 8 1/2 x 11 inch leaflet was produced in two colors. Light blue for use as a leaflet and poster and white for mailings to local media.

This leaflet was developed to focus on the growing Hispanic community in Buffalo, New York. The intended audience was Hispanic parents that may not be completely familiar with written English. We hoped if these parents learned about Civil Air Patrol, they would in-turn inform their children about the Cadet Program. The increase of Spanish language newspapers and radio shows in the community provided us with a medium to disseminate our recruiting information. We estimated this method of recruiting would bring positive results.

In May 1994, five of the Spanish language leaflets were mailed to local Hispanic newspapers, magazines, and radio shows. With this initial effort, five prospective recruits, with their parents, visited our meeting. Out of these five visitors, four joined.

Along with providing this leaflet to all Hispanic media, we also used it as a poster. Our Cadets, placed the poster in stores, libraries, and other public places. The effectiveness of this poster continued to bring prospective recruits to Buffalo Squadron #1.

Squadrons can increase their membership and awareness of Civil Air Patrol through this method. Research your community to learn what immigrant groups, with English as a second language, have large populations in your area. Find out what newspapers and radio shows serve that group. Develop a leaflet. If you have no one in your squadron with a knowledge of foreign language, make coordination with local schools. The Foreign Language Department of a university can also lend assistance in proper translation and dialect.

The message and mission of Civil Air Patrol deserve the widest dissemination possible. Only in this way can we continue to increase our membership and continue our tradition of service to the community, state, and nation.

Civil Air Patrol
Buffalo Squadron #1
Connecticut St. Armory
7:00 PM Tuesday

Our Activities include:

- Flying in our own Cessna 172
- Aerospace Education
- Emergency rescue and Ranger training
- Our own prize winning drill team

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The Civil Air Patrol is a benevolent, non-profit civilian organization which wears the Air Force uniform and is used in time of emergencies.

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We meet every Tuesday from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. The Civil Air Patrol will take ages 13 to 18 as Cadets, interested persons over 18 may join as Seniors, Instructors, and Officers.

Girls and boys, welcome!!

Civil Air Patrol
Buffalo Squadron #1
Connecticut St. Armory
7:00 PM Tuesday

Algunas de nuestra actividades son:

- Volar en nuestro propio cessna 172
- Educacion aerospacial
- Enzenar rescate por tierra en nuestro equipo de Ranger y mas
- Nuestro propio premio ganador Drill Team

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La Patrulla Aerea Civil es un grupo voluntario civil nosotros vestimos el uniforme de la Fuerza Aerea y es usado para la busqueda y rescate cuando nay una caida de un quion o en caso.

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Ven y visitanos-

Nos veremos los martes por las tardes desde las 7:00 - 9:00 PM. Ven y mira como se ve el castillo adentro y aprende de nosotros, La Patrulla Aerea, y si tu quieres unirte a nosotros te lleuaremos con los primeros veinte recrutas, de 13 a 18 anos como cadetes; de 18 para arriba como seniors, instructores y ayuda de oficina.

Mujeres y Hombres, Bienvenidos!!

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